Episode 05: Insecure IoT, Trickbot Takedown, Nation-state Hacking and Charitable Hackers

In this episode, TJ and Guest Zach discuss Insecure IoT, Trickbot Takedown, Nation-state Hacking and Charitable Hackers
IoT is Vulnerable
IoT Homefootage on sale in the deep and dark web and an intimate IoT device is found to have an exploit.
  • https://www.hackread.com/3tb-clips-hacked-home-security-cameras-leaked/
  • https://gizmodo.com/a-security-flaw-could-send-your-dick-to-jail-forever-1845286359
Trickbot Takedown via Private and Public Sector
Both Microsoft and USCybercom both try to disrupt the Trickbot gang using different approaches
  • https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/10/microsoft-uses-copyright-law-to-disrupt-trickbot-botnet/
  • https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/10/report-u-s-cyber-command-behind-trickbot-tricks/
Government Sponsored Cyber Attacks
The UK reveals it carried out cyberattacks against Russia, Iran and Russia found to be interfering with US elections. The NSA releases a list of the 25 most used exploits in attack from China.
  • https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/21/politics/fbi-election-security/index.html
  • https://www.ibtimes.sg/uk-carried-out-secret-cyberattacks-russia-retaliation-says-former-national-security-adviser-52806
  • https://www.zdnet.com/article/nsa-publishes-list-of-top-25-vulnerabilities-currently-targeted-by-chinese-hackers/
Bug Bounty crew spends 3 months hacking Apple
A bug bounty crew cashes in big hacking apple infrastructure.
  • https://samcurry.net/hacking-apple/
Ransomware actor gives to charity
Darkside ransomware actors show proof of their philanthropy by press releasing a receipt of their donation.
  • https://www.hackread.com/3tb-clips-hacked-home-security-cameras-leaked/
Upcoming Events:
  • Blackhat EU 2020 - Nov. 9
  • OSDF Con - Nov 18
  • Cyber Security & Data Protection Summit - Nov 19
Intro/Outro Music Credits
Something Elated (Broke For Free: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Something_EP/Broke_For_Free_-_Something_EP_-_05_Something_Elated) / CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
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